Auction Factory Templating Documentation

Auction Factory uses the powerful Smarty engine for templating. Bellow you have a list with all the template files currently used in Auction Factory (version 2.x.x) along with the variables you will find in these template files. Please note that files and code may change between versions. If updating Auction Factory, template files should remain unchanged.

The path to them is: …\components\com_swapfactory\templates\[theme_name]\

Templating files used:

Template File Description
t_auctiondetails.tplContains the template for displaying the Auction Item details page
t_categories.tplDisplay of Categories page (Category Directory)
t_category_tree.tplDisplay of Categories tree page
t_choose_category.tplCategory selection page
t_editauction.tplThis is the template for the “new auction” and “edit” page, the $task smarty variable contains the current task (newauction or editauction)
t_suggestions.tplDisplay of Suggestions page
t_showusers.tplUser search results page
t_listauctions.tplTemplate for displaying the auction lists
t_report_auction.tplAuction reporting page display
t_myuserdetails.tplUser's profile display
t_userdetails.tplDisplay of other user's details
t_myauctions.tplSimilar to listauctions, only for "My auctions"
t_mybids.tplSimilar to listauctions, only for "My Bids"
t_mywatchlist.tplSimilar to listauctions, only for "My watchlist"
t_mywonbids.tplSimilar to listauctions, only for "My won bids"
t_myratings.tplDisplay for "My Ratings" page
t_mysuggestions.tplDisplay for "My Suggestions" page
t_search.tplTemplate for the search page
t_showSearchResults.tplTemplate for the Search Results
t_tags.tplTemplate for the Tags selection

! Some changes are almost always present between versions, use this documentation as a reference.