Auction Factory Templating Content

$page_titlePage title variable
$ItemidThe menu Itemid, one of the variables always called by the auction system based on which Joomla displays modules in menus and generates permissions
$category_filter Filter for category
$categories Categories variable
$is_logged_inTrue if the user is logged in. false if not
$old_idOnly required when republishing, it is the former id of the republished auction
$mosConfig_live_siteThe URL of the site. as defined in Joomla Configuration
$optionThe current option
$usersUsers variable
$paginationVariable for pages
$taskThe current task
$auction_rowsAuction rows variable
$auction_idThe auction id
$has_profileProfile variable
$useridThe joomla user id. if not logged in it will be null or 0
$listsLists variable
$auction_idAuction id in the database
$newAuction_linkLink variable for a new auction
$lists.filter_catsThe category filter for the auctions list
$lists.archiveThe archived auctions list
$lists.filter_bidtypeThe bidtype filter for auctions list
$lists.filter_order_ascThe ordering filter for auctions list
$current_rowSimilar properties with the $auction variable
$document_typeVariable for document type
$profilerProfile variable
$lists.catsCategory pick up list HTML code
$lists.active_usersUsers pick up list HTML code
$lists.cityCity pick up list HTML code
$lists.countryCountry pick up list HTML code

$ratingsUser ratings object, $ratings properties
$user Object which stores information about the user, $user properties
$auctionThe object for auction details with multiple properties, $auction properties