$auction Property Description
id The Auction ID - Needed for specific calls
userid The Auctioneer USER-ID (Joomla native)
title The Auction TITLE
shortdescription The Auction Short description
description The Auction Description
picture The auction MAIN picture name (not the URL!)
link_extern The external link (Settable by the auctioneer)
initial_price The Auction initial price - as float, for formatting use {$auction->initial_price|string_format:"%.2f"}
currency The Currency ID (Not the currency name!)
BIN_price The Auction BIN Price as a float - use formatting for printing - similar to initial_price
auction_type The Auction Type public auctions =1, private auctions=2
automatic If true, then the auction is automatic
payment Chosen payment type ID
shipment_info The Auction shipment info
shipment_price The Auction shipment price
start_date Start date of the Auction in a datetime type (not formatted)
end_date End date of the Auction in a datetime type (not formatted)
start_date_text Start date of the Auction in a datetime type (formatted)
end_date_text End date of the Auction in a datetime type (formatted)
closed_date Closing date of the Auction. To format use {printdate date=$auction->closed_date}
params Auction Parameters
published True if published. Just for MY Auctions
close_offer True if Auction is closed, otherwise false
close_by_admin True if Auction is BANNED - just for MY Auctions
hits Number of hits/views
modified Last edit time - not formatted, use printdate
newmessages True if New message available for the logged user in this auction
winner_id Winner user ID
cat Category id (NOT category name)
auction_nr AUN (Auction Unique Number or Ref. number)
nr_items Number of items
nr_items_left Number of items left
featured "gold", "silver", "bronze" or "none"
reserve_price Auction reserve price
min_increase Minimum increase value
extended_counter Auto extend counter
payment_info Auction payment info
quantity Auctioned items quantity
_allowed_picture_ext Allowed picture extensions
_parameters Parameters
add_picture Add Picture
auto_accept_bin Auto accept bin option
bid_counts Bid counter
max_price Max price
show_reserve Show reserve price or not
price_suggest Price suggestion
price_suggest_min Minimum price suggestion
debug Debug
tags Auction tags
title_sef Search engine friendly title
countdown The countdown in auctions listings
expired True if the auction is expired (the end date is passed)
is_my_auction True if the current logged user is owner of the auction
i_am_winner True if the current logged user is winning bidder
i_am_bidder True if the current logged user has bids on auction
must_rate True if user has winning bid
nr_new_messages Number of new messages in this auctions message board for the current user
bid_list_tab Bid list tab
active Active Auction
has_placed_bids Auction has bids placed
auction_status Auction status: Open, Closed, Archived, Expired
rating_auctioneer Rating of the auctioneer
rating_bidder Rating of the bidder
rating_overall Overall rating of the auctioneer
winning_bid Value of the winning bid
nr_bidders Number of bidders for the current auction
winner_list Auction winners when item is sold in a quantity
total_price Total price for an auction sold in quantity, shipping included
payment_name Payment Method Name
mybid My latest bid to the auction
paypalemail Paypal email
links Array with links to various actions in the Auction system
currency_name Currency Name (Ex. USD)
catname Category Name (Ex. Automobiles)
username Auctioneer Username
verified_auctioneer True if auctioneer is verified
thumbnail countains the thumbnails html code
gallery Auction image gallery
fbLikeButton Facebook like button

Auction Parameters

'params' ⇒
