Change currency position

Some users may feel the need to change the position of the currency, whether it is in front of the amount of money or after. The default position of the currency is displayed after the amount of money, like this : 5.00 $.

In order to do this, open \components\com_auctionfactory\classes\auctionfactory_smarty.php and go to lines 229-230. You will see the following code:

return $p . '&nbsp;' . ($nocss ? '' : '<span class="' . $cssCurrency . '">') . $currency . ($nocss ? '' :

Change it to this:

return ($nocss ? '' : '<span class="' . $cssCurrency . '">') . $currency . ($nocss ? '' :
					'</span>') . '&nbsp;' .  $p ;

(!) Documentation based on Auction Factory version 4.5.0