Table of Contents

Notifications & Backups


In the Notifications section you will find all the email notifications that will be sent to users for different actions such as when receiving a new message, receiving a new interaction or for membership expiration.

Here you can also add new notifications, edit them, delete them or to publish/unpublish.
To verify a notification click on Test Notification, you will receive the selected notification on the administrator's email.

Click on any notification to edit or check the tickbox and click on "Edit".
Here you can change the type of notification depending on which element you choose (interactions, messages or system).
Select the language you wish the notification to be used for, this allows you to add multiple versions of the messages depending on how many languages are added on your website.

On the right side you will find a simple text editor where you can modify the message and the subject title of the email received by the user.

Backup & Restore

The "Backup & Restore" section allows you to safely make a backup of all the data found in the database like users profiles, ignore list, comments, friends, interactions, etc.
The backup file will not contain the storage folder, component's addons folders or the templates! These will have to be backed up manually!
To make a backup, first select if you wish to also include users and then click on "Create Backup".

To restore a backup file click on the "Browse.." button and chose the .zip file from your computer, then select if you with to also restore the Joomla users and click on "Restore Backup".

Be aware that restoring a backup file, will erase all your existing data regarding the component.

(!) Documentation based on Social Factory version 3.0.0