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User Guide

Music Battle Factory comes with an easy voting system, which allows users to decide which song is better. For a speedy process, this action requires only a single click. Songs can be paired together for battles. Users will then be able to choose which one of them wins the battle by voting their favorite song. The component can be used to rate different types of songs by assigning them to numerous categories. Users can upload songs with a corresponding image, multiple uploads are also allowed. For each song a sharelink, rating and the number of votes will be visible and also a comments system, if admin enabled. To allow the administrator content control on the site, each song and comment can be reported.

This is the default view of the Music Battle Factory Menu:

My Media

Each user can upload his own media files as long as his user group allows it. The My Media page is where you can check the already uploaded items and their current rating as well as pairing new items for battles, as long as the battle system is enabled by the administrator. To pair them, simply select the checkboxes of 2 photos and click on the Pair items button.
Clicking on the Upload button will redirect you to the Upload media page, while clicking on one of the items will redirect you to the detailed page of that song.

First things you will find on the detailed view of an item is the title of it and the player with the assigned cover. Clicking on the player will play the respective song. A Delete media red button will be available next to the player in case you are the uploader.

Below the player, you will find various information related to the item, such as the Avarage Rating or the number of times it has been rated.
The name of the uploader is visible and can be clicked. Upon clicking on it, you will be redirected to that users' media item list. Next, you will be able to see when the item was uploaded.
Here you will also be able to see the Category and Tags assigned to that item. Clicking on them will show you a list of all the items from the respective category or tag.

In case the comment system is enabled by the administrator, you will find a text field at the bottom of the page along with a Post comment button to express your opinion regarding the item.


Music Battle Factory allows 2 types of battles, one with a user pairing where users assign 2 songs to battle each other, and one with a random pairing, where the website chooses 2 photos randomly from the same categories, or without any criteria, depending on the backend configuration.

For each battle, both items will be displayed, along with their details such as the name of the uploader, date of posting and category.

Before the voting options appears, it is required that you listen to both songs for at least 15 seconds. Voting can be done by clicking above the item on one of the stars, representing the rating you wish to give to that item, or by clicking on the Click to vote button. This can be different depending on the configuration made by the administrator.

Upload Media

The Upload Media page is where you can add new items to the website, making them visible and ready to be paired for battles.

Multiple items can be uploaded. For each new item simply click on the Browse files button and choose it from your HDD. You can select the category beforehand but regardless of that, you can change it afterward from the newly displayed fields. The default valid file extension for uploads is .mp3.
For each selected item you will find 4 fields to set accordingly: Title, Description, Category and Tags.

(!) Documentation based on Music Battle Factory version 4.1.5