Import Auctions from CSV

To help you populate your database much more easily, you can use the Import from CSV feature. With it, you can import data from the admin backend as a bulk upload, which will append the data to your existing database.

To access this page go to Components/Reverse Auction Factory/Settings/Import/Export and click on Import CSV. There you will find 2 fields which will allow you to upload a ".csv" file and an archive with images corresponding with the uploaded csv respectively.

These ".csv" files need to be written in a specific order and format to be eligible for upload and to have no errors since each value will be inserted in the database.
For reverse auctions CSV file, you will need the header on the first row containing all the names of the fields. On the next rows, the details and parameters regarding the auctions that will be added in those respective fields.
It is also very important that the information is separated by tab spacing.

The names of the fields found in database are defined in the ImportFromCSV function in the "auction.php" file found at "components\com_rbids\helpers".
You also need to define the column headers in the file.
To know exactly how the structure of the file must be, here is a list of the fields and how they need to be ordered on the .csv file:

Header Description Example
title Text which will be used as the name of the auction Window Project Contractor Services
shortdescription Short descriptive text regarding the auction which will be displayed on listings 1 Vinyl Window to be replaced
description Larger descriptive text regarding the auction which can also contain HTML and that will be displayed on the details page 1 Vinyl Window to be replaced Kitchen Migard Classic Retrofit - White - 36X36 - XO -stucco fin
userid This is the ID of the auction owner, make sure it matches with a user from your site. 878
maxprice Maximum price set for the auction 2500
currency Currency used for auction price, use one that is available on the Currency Manager list (USD, EUR, AUD, etc.) USD
start_date Date of when the auction starts which is required to be filled in (Y-m-d H:i:s) 2013-05-15 15:00:00
end_date Date of when the auction ends which is required to be filled in (Y-m-d H:i:s) 2014-03-09 15:00:00
picture Name of the images representing the respective auction window.jpg
category Name of one of the available categories which can be seen on the Manage Categories page Houses
tags Names of relevant tags related to the auction, add them separated by comas window,project
images Names of additional images, add them separated by commas image1.jpg,image2.jpg

Be sure that the images names added on the .csv file match with the ones from the archive.

To help you even further to understand the structure of the CSV file, you can download reverse_import_sample.csv.

(!) Documentation based on Reverse Auction Factory version 4.3.4