
This is an old revision of the document!

Installing & Uninstalling

Pre-Installation Notes

Before you start with the installation, you need to check the following:

  • Make sure the maximum file upload size of your server is greater than the size of the component zipped kit. If not, contact your hosting provider.
  • Check directory write/read permissions and adjust them accordingly. chmod for UNIX, Windows ACL for Windows. Or contact your hosting provider.
  • Always backup your website before installing, updating or uninstalling extensions!


To install Blog Factory you will need a working Joomla 3.x.x installation. It is recommended to have the latest version of both Blog Factory and Joomla for them to work properly.
Go to Extensions/Extension Manager in the upper menu of Joomla's backend to start the installation process of our component.

Proceed by clicking on the Browse… button from the Upload Package File area and by choosing the ZIP file from your computer. After doing so, click on the Upload & Install button to start the installation.

When the installation is finished the following message should appear.

(!) All the available modules for Blog Factory are found in the component kit and will be installed automatically, for more information about the modules check our Blog Factory - Modules Guide.


In case you wish to uninstall the component, simply go to Manage, check the "Blog Factory" Package checkbox and click on Uninstall.

(!) Documentation based on Blog Factory version 4.3.0