

Router Plugin

The Router Plugin gives high flexibility regarding Love Factory's URLs, generating custom URLs based on the user's profile details.

(!) In order for this plugin to work, you will need to enable Joomla SEF (System > Global Configuration).
(!) Make sure you don't have any 3rd party extensions which can interfere with SEF, as these are not guaranteed to work with our plugin and could cause issues on your website.

Once the above requirements are met, go to Extensions > Plugins to enable and configure Love Factory Router Plugin.

Use language as first segment: Enable this in case you have a multi-language website and you wish to have the language tags(en, it, fr, etc.) displayed before other segments on the URLs. Enabling System Language Filter plugin is required for this option to work.
You can leave this option disabled in case your website is made for one language only, as it will only display the tag of your default language.

Segments: Allows you to add multiple profile details of users on their respective profiles URLs.
Only the following type of fields are allowed as URL segments: 'Select', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'SelectMultiple', 'Gender', 'Text'(not allowed as a first segment).
In order to add more fields or to remove them, use the Add segments and Remove buttons.

Here is how the URL will be structured with the settings displayed above: website/language-tag/country/city/here-for/username
Note that the user profile URL will always have its username at the end.

It is important to know that, in case there are multiple options selected for a single field, it will separate them by commas, while if there are no options selected it will only display a "-": website/en/usa/-/friends,fun,dating,relationship/john123

Another important part of the Router Plugin is that it allows you to search for users by modifying the URL using the available fields as criteria.
As an example, this URL will search for female users from Seattle, USA that are looking for dating: website/en/usa/seattle/female/dating/
In order to perform a search, you need to be sure that there is no username at the end of the URL.

(!) Documentation based on Love Factory version 4.4.9