
Media Types

Media Mall Factory comes with 3 integrated players and the standard download option on which you can assign different types of media.

By going to the Media Types page from backend you can add new types of media files or manage the existing ones.

Clicking on New will allow you to add another media type and to define various details related to it.
One of the most important aspects of this is the Player which will be used. Here is a list of the available media players and a preview from the frontend:

  • Audio Player - supported file : ".mp3"

  • Image Player - supported files : ".png", ".jpg", ".gif"

  • Video Player - supported files : ".flv", ".swf", ".mov", ".wmv", ".avi"

Add the Title of the respective type of media. This should match with the selected player.
Enter the amount of Views allowed for this type of media after the item has been purchased. Leave 0 for unlimited number of views.
Set the Media view cost and Download archive cost which are the prices needed to be paid by the users to have access to these media files. These will be overridden if the author is allowed to set his own price.

Toggle the state of this media type to either Published or Unpublished.

(!) Documentation based on Media Mall Factory version 4.2.2