
$auction Property Description
id The Auction ID - Needed for specific calls
userid The Auctioneer USER-ID (Joomla native)
title The Auction TITLE
shortdescription The Auction Short description
description The Auction Description
picture The auction MAIN picture name (not the URL!)
max_price Auction Starting Price
currency The Currency ID (Not the currency name!)
auction_type The Auction Type: public = 1, private = 2
automatic If true, then the auction is automatic
payment Chosen payment type ID
start_date Start date of the Auction in a datetime type (not formatted)
end_date End date of the Auction in a datetime type (not formatted)
closed_date Closing date of the Auction. To format use {printdate date=$auction→closed_date}
published True if published. Just for MY Auctions
close_offer True if Auction is closed, otherwise false
close_by_admin True if Auction is BANNED - just for MY Auctions
hits Number of hits/views
modified Last edit time - not formatted, use printdate
newmessages True if New message available for the logged user in this auction
winner_id Winner user ID
cat Category id (NOT category name)
auction_nr AUN (Auction Unique Number or Ref. number)
featured Featured auction
approved Approved by admin
googlex Google Map X Coordinate
googley Google Map Y Coordinate
cancel_reason Reason for which an auction was cancelled (given by auction owner)
NDA_file NDA file name
show_bidder_nr Show the number of bidders setting (0 or 1)
show_best_bid Show the best bid setting ( 0 or 1 )
job_deadline Job Deadline
file_name Attachment File Name