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joomla25:love:memberships [2013/02/22 09:22]
joomla25:love:memberships [2013/02/28 07:40] (current)
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-====== Memberships ======+====== Memberships ​& Prices ​======
 \\ \\
-In the **"Memberships"** area you can manage all the available memberships or add new ones. \\ +===== Memberships ===== 
-Depending on the user's membership, he or she can upload a number of photos, videos, send a number of messages, ​have a number of friends, etc., this is what you define in the Memberships section. You do not define here the availability of the memberships,​ just what the memberships have to offer.\\ + 
-When signing up, users need to be assigned to a default membership, you can modify which one is it here. The default membership is available for an unlimited period of time for all users!\\+\\ 
 +In the **Memberships** area you can manage all the available memberships or add new ones. \\ 
 +To get there go to **Settings** and click on **Memberships**.\\ 
 +{{gallery>​ love:​membershipsx.png }} 
 +Depending on the user's membership, he or she can have different properties, this is what you define in the **Memberships** section. You do not define here the availability of the memberships,​ just what the memberships have to offer.\\ 
 +When signing up, users will automatically ​be assigned to a default membership, you can modify which one is it from here. The default membership is available for an unlimited period of time for all users!\\
 Note that after a membership expires the user will get back to the Default one. Note that after a membership expires the user will get back to the Default one.
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 By clicking on the **"​Options"​** button, a new window will appear, from here you can restrict the default membership access to different areas of the website.\\ By clicking on the **"​Options"​** button, a new window will appear, from here you can restrict the default membership access to different areas of the website.\\
 +This will affect only the users with a default membership.
 +Restricting the default memberships is a commonly used method to persuade users into upgrading to a paid membership.
 \\ \\
 {{gallery>​ love:​options.png }} {{gallery>​ love:​options.png }}
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-By clicking on the name of the memberships,​ you can change their properties. Here you can change settings like the membership'​s name, or define maximum values allowed ​for things like:+By clicking on the name of the memberships,​ you can change their properties. Here you can change settings like the membership'​s name, or set restrictions/​grant permission ​for things like: 
   * Photos   * Photos
   * Videos   * Videos
   * Friends   * Friends
 +  * Shoutbox
   * Messages per day   * Messages per day
   * Interactions per day   * Interactions per day
Line 26: Line 44:
   * Groups allowed to create   * Groups allowed to create
   * Groups allowed to join   * Groups allowed to join
 +  * Chat Factory (**(!)** Available only if **Chat Factory** is used. For more about this check our [[joomla25:​love:​chat_factory_integration|Chat Factory - Integration Guide.]])
 +**Shoutbox** access can be set to "No access",​ "Only Read" or "Full access"​.
-Shoutbox access can be set from here also, you can change it from "No access"​ to "Only Read" or "Full access"​.\\ +\\ 
-"Same gender interaction",​ if enabled, will allow users of the same gender to use interactions ​like "​hug",​ "​wink",​ "​kiss" ​or "ask for relationship" ​between them.\\ + 
-The last checkbox, if checked, ​will change ​the settings ​for that type of membership ​even for users that already ​payed for it.+**"Same gender interaction"​**, if enabled, will allow users of the same gender to send messages, ​interactions or friendship requests ​between them.\\ 
 +By checking **"​Apply to all sold memberships?"​** you  ​will apply the settings even for users that already ​have that membership active.
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
 {{gallery>​ love:​memberships2.png }}\\ {{gallery>​ love:​memberships2.png }}\\
 +If you are experiencing issues with permissions,​ resave your memberships after checking the **"​Apply to all sold memberships?"​** checkbox.
 +===== Prices =====
 +Now that you have the memberships set, you must add the pricing for them so that users can buy membership plans.\\
 +To do that, go to **Settings** and click on **Prices**.\\ ​
 +{{gallery>​ love:​price0.png }}\\
 +Now click on **"​New"​** to add price properties to the available memberships.\\
 +Firstly, select the membership you wish to add the price settings and then if you wish to publish that pricing plan.
-===== Pricing ===== 
 \\ \\
-Now lets take a look on the **"Pricing"​** section, click on the button and then click on **"New"** to add price properties to the available ​memberships.\\ +The **"Trial membership"​** ​ ​option allows you to add the new membership pricing as a trial, this is available ​so that you can let users test a membership, for freeAfter it expires they revert back to their previous membership (if still activeotherwise ​the default is applied) 
-Firstlyselect ​the membership you wish to add the price settings and then if you wish to publish it right away.\\+
 \\ \\
-Your next option is if you want to add the new membership pricing as trial one (free), this is available so that you can let users to apply for a trial membership to give it a try, for free, and after it expires they can decide if they want to upgrade or not. For better use of this option you should make 3 prices ​for the same membership and then you create ​fourth one, the trial membershiplets say with a duration of 24 hours.\\ + 
-For the Trial membership you can set the time period in hours, you can set if it's available always (toggling the "​Available always"​ field) or can be activated only in certain time interval ("​Available from:" - "​Available until:"​).\\+A setup suggestion would be creating ​couple ​of pricing plans for the same membership and also a trial, ​let'​s ​say with a duration of 24 hours.
 \\ \\
-Next fields with the trial membership set to "​No"​ represent ​the duration ​of the membership and the price for itif you set "0" ​for the duration then it will be for unlimited ​time.\\+ 
 +For the Trial membership ​you can set the duration ​in hoursand also set if it's always available (toggling the "Available always" ​field) or be activate only between a certain ​time interval ("​Available from:" - "​Available until:"​). 
 +A duration of "​0"​ will create a membership pricing plan with an unlimited duration.
 Click on **"​Save & Close"​** to save the price settings.\\ Click on **"​Save & Close"​** to save the price settings.\\
 \\ \\
 Image shown with Trial Membership set to "​No"​. Image shown with Trial Membership set to "​No"​.
 {{gallery>​ love:​price.png }} {{gallery>​ love:​price.png }}
 \\ \\
 Image shown with Trial Membership set to "​Yes"​. Image shown with Trial Membership set to "​Yes"​.
 {{gallery>​ love:​price6.png }} {{gallery>​ love:​price6.png }}
 +You can create multiple pricing plans for the same membership, for example:
 \\ \\
-Here is how the Pricing section should look like after saving.\\ 
-Note that you can create multiple pricing options for the same membership, for example: 
   * 6 Months for 3€   * 6 Months for 3€
   * 12 Months for 5€   * 12 Months for 5€
   * 24 Months for 8€   * 24 Months for 8€
 +Here is how the Pricing section should look like after saving.
 \\ \\
 {{gallery>​ love:​price2.png }} {{gallery>​ love:​price2.png }}
 +Clicking on the **"​Options"​** button will allow you to change the currency used.\\
 +Another thing you will find here is the option to add a different price depending on the gender or one price for all genders. This will change the price properties section and add multiple fields for each gender.
 \\ \\
-Clicking on the **"​Options"​** button will allow you to change the current currency used.\\ 
-Another thing you will find here is to toggle the option to add a different price depending on the gender or one price for all genders. This will change the price properties section and add multiple fields for each genders.\\ 
 {{gallery>​ love:​options2.png }} {{gallery>​ love:​options2.png }}
 \\ \\
-Here is how the price properties look like in case you chose to add a different price depending on the gender.\\+Here is how the price properties look like in case you chose to add a different price depending on the gender. 
 \\ \\
-{{gallery>​ love:​price3.png }}\\ 
-This is how the pricing we just made is shown on the frontend:+{{gallery>​ love:price3.png }} 
 \\ \\
-{{gallery>​ love:​price4.png }}\\ 
-And furthermore when selecting ​the gateway and the period for the membership.\\ +This is how the example above is shown on the frontend memberships page:
-{{gallery>​ love:price5.png }}\\+
 +{{gallery>​ love:​price4.png }}
 +And furthermore when selecting the gateway and the period for the membership.
 +{{gallery>​ love:​price5.png }}