
CB Integration

With jAnswers Factory you can assign fields to CB for different components in the analogue field in the list of the available for integration.
CB comes with some assignable generic fields but in most cases you will have to create your own to assign the jAnswers fields to the CB ones.

  • Name - create or assign this to a CB text field for Name.
  • Surname - create or assign this to a CB text for Surname.
  • Address - create a new text field in CB for Address.
  • City - create a new field in CB with a drop down (single select) for City.
  • Country - create a new field in CB with a drop down (single select) for Country.
  • Phone - create a new text field in CB for Phone.
  • Description - create a new text area in CB for Description.
  • Modified - create a new text area in CB for Modified.
  • Paypalemail - create a new email address field in CB for Paypalemail.
  • YM - create a new email address field in CB for YM.
  • status - create or assign this to onlinestatus field in CB for User Status.
  • level - create a new text field in CB tor Level.
  • points - create a new text field in CB tor Points.
  • avatar - create a image field in CB tor Avatar.
  • allow_contact - create a new text field in CB tor Allow Contact.
  • notify_answers - create a new text field in CB tor Notify Answers.