
This is an old revision of the document!


In the "Memberships" area you can manage all the available membership ranks or add new ones.
Depending on the user's membership, he or she can upload a number of photos, videos, send a number of messages, have a number of friends, etc., this is what you define in the Memberships section. You do not define here the availability of the memberships, just what the memberships have to offer.
When signing up, users need to be assigned to a default membership, you can modify which one is it here. The default membership is available for an unlimited period of time for all users!
Note that after a membership expires the user will get back to the Default one.

By clicking on the "Options" button, a new window will appear, from here you can restrict the default membership access to different areas of the website.

By clicking on the name of the memberships, you can change their properties. Here you can change settings like the membership's name, or define maximum values allowed for things like:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Friends
  • Messages per day
  • Interactions per day
  • Top friends
  • Groups allowed to create
  • Groups allowed to join

Shoutbox access can be set from here also, you can change it from "No access" to "Only Read" or "Full access".
"Same gender interaction", if enabled, will allow users of the same gender to use interactions like "hug", "wink", "kiss" or "ask for relationship" between them.
The last checkbox, if checked, will change the settings for that type of membership even for users that already payed for it.


Now lets take a look on the "Pricing" section, click on the button and then click on "New" to add price properties to the available memberships.
Firstly, select the membership you wish to add the price settings and then if you wish to publish it right away.

Your next option is if you want to add the new membership pricing as a trial one (free), this is available so that you can let users to apply for a trial membership to give it a try, for free, and after it expires they can decide if they want to upgrade or not. For better use of this option you should make 3 prices for the same membership and then you create a fourth one, the trial membership, lets say with a duration of 24 hours.
For the Trial membership you can set the time period in hours, you can set if it's available always (toggling the "Available always" field) or can be activated only in certain time interval ("Available from:" - "Available until:").

Next fields with the trial membership set to "No" represent the duration of the membership and the price for it, if you set "0" for the duration then it will be for unlimited time.
Click on "Save & Close" to save the price settings.

Image shown with Trial Membership set to "No".

Image shown with Trial Membership set to "Yes".

Here is how the Pricing section should look like after saving.
Note that you can create multiple pricing options for the same membership, for example:

  • 6 Months for 3€
  • 12 Months for 5€
  • 24 Months for 8€

Clicking on the "Options" button will allow you to change the current currency used.
Another thing you will find here is to toggle the option to add a different price depending on the gender or one price for all genders. This will change the price properties section and add multiple fields for each genders.

Here is how the price properties look like in case you chose to add a different price depending on the gender.

This is how the pricing we just made is shown on the frontend:

And furthermore when selecting the gateway and the period for the membership.